Opana ER 10mg

Opana ER 15mg

What kind of medication is Opana ER?

Opana is sold as the brand name for Oxymorphone, a potent opioid analgesic medication used to treat severe pain. Opana ER is the extended-release form of Opana. The pain relief after oral administration of Opana begins 30 minutes after injection begins after 5 to 10 minutes. The drug’s pain relief effects last about 3 to 4 hours for Opana IR tablets and 12 hours for Opana ER tablets. The elimination half-life of Opana is much faster intravenously, and generally, Opana is most commonly used orally for pain relief.

What are the primary uses of Opana ER?

Opana is used for moderate to severe pain relief, such as acute post-surgical pain. Opana ER tablets are primarily used for managing chronic pain. They are only used among people already exposed to potent opioid medicines on a regular schedule for a prolonged period. You can buy Opana ER online to manage and deal with your pain for an extended period.

The doctors also use this medication as a sedative before surgery to help with anesthesia during labor and surgery. You may also use it to treat anxiety caused by some medical conditions. This drug is made from morphine, and it can bind to the opioid receptors in the CNS.

Important warnings and precautions you must follow while taking Opana ER

You must not drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages during your treatment with Opana ER, as that may increase the risk of having adverse side effects. It can also cause severe CNS depression.

You must avoid consuming grapefruit in any form while you are on this drug. Discuss with your doctor before doing so. Opana ER must only be used for severe pain when non-opioid medicines do not help. Opana ER is habit-forming, and users may experience severe withdrawal symptoms with this drug. One must only take a high dosage of the drug if the person has frequently been taking moderate amounts of opioid pain-relief medications. A large dosage of this medicine can also cause overdose or even death. You must, thus, avoid using this drug for mild pain.

What to inform the doctor/ pharmacist before using Opana ER?

Share with your doctor if you are pregnant since Opana ER could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms in the fetus. To further ensure Opana ER is safe for you, inform the doctor if you have ever had:

a head injury or seizures;

breathing problems or sleep apnea;

drug or alcohol addiction, or mental illness;

kidney or liver problems;

urination problems; or

Problems with your pancreas, gallbladder, or thyroid.
